Contact Us / Kontakt
As with any partner, you are dealing with - TRUST is very important! is one of Ghana`s oldest websites, created by a Ghanaian and a German, from as early as February 2000, uploaded to the web in December 2000. - Online since December 2000 >>> See here our website, as of June 2001 (New Window) <<< (provided by - Online since December 2000 >>> See here our website, as of June 2001 (New Window) <<< (provided by
You may contact us at any time, but mail support will be given only, if time permit, or after donation is being made, in support of our work.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We will do our best to respond back to you in a timely manner. If you wish to have an expedited response you can also donate at least $10, we get back within 1-3 days!
Our Location Ghana (Aburi) / UK (Swansea) and Germany (Kassel) Phone line: 00447971913106 (TEXT/WhatsUp/Viber) If you wish to send pictures or documents, please use below mail address directly! Email: For all other requests, please use the contact form. (English / Deutsch) |

Ghana Dating Scam is part of
First of all; Why have you found our website so easy with Google, Yahoo or Bing?
WE invest much of our time, updating means to keep our Dating Scam Victim Pages on good positions of Search Engines. All about - to enable us, to give free advise and support, to victims of Ghana datiing & Gold Scam!
Important: There are companies and websites out there, claiming to be able to help you, getting your money back. Investigating and so on.
They charge usualy qiet some fee, upfront. They don`t give you as many information`s, as we do, with our website, as they wan`t to make an extra "Buck"
First of all; Why have you found our website so easy with Google, Yahoo or Bing?
WE invest much of our time, updating means to keep our Dating Scam Victim Pages on good positions of Search Engines. All about - to enable us, to give free advise and support, to victims of Ghana datiing & Gold Scam!
Important: There are companies and websites out there, claiming to be able to help you, getting your money back. Investigating and so on.
They charge usualy qiet some fee, upfront. They don`t give you as many information`s, as we do, with our website, as they wan`t to make an extra "Buck"
As of Us; Any request is free, but yes, we do ask for a small donation, and even use the donated money for our charity project in Upper East region of Ghana; If you have money left over, from your date with Ghanaian or Nigerian scammers, and in case, you wish a full investigation, we ask for a fee, to be paid upfront, but will never ask for money, if the scam is very clear to us, at the very beginning! That means - We don`t provide pseudo investigations, just to get your money! If the scam is clearly a scam, we let you know - UPFRONT, and free!
We Update or website From Time to Time with new pictures "documents" and news, visit again, and protect yourself from scam!
Yes, We Do Love Ghana! (That is one good reason, why we offer this free service)
Ghana is a friendly and honest country with lovely people! But, like everywhere world-wide, there are fraudsters. We want to
make sure, you are in contact with the "right" people and don`t loose your trust in Ghana, or Africa ... and money to SCAMMERS!
Online dating scams and internet fraud is becoming more and more complex and difficult to detect. No dating or social networking site is immune from fraud. Don’t be a victim of internet fraud or dating scams!
Get a free quote. Please, let us know, when and if our information was helpful to you! If happy, please spread the word! Thank You!
We Update or website From Time to Time with new pictures "documents" and news, visit again, and protect yourself from scam!
Yes, We Do Love Ghana! (That is one good reason, why we offer this free service)
Ghana is a friendly and honest country with lovely people! But, like everywhere world-wide, there are fraudsters. We want to
make sure, you are in contact with the "right" people and don`t loose your trust in Ghana, or Africa ... and money to SCAMMERS!
Online dating scams and internet fraud is becoming more and more complex and difficult to detect. No dating or social networking site is immune from fraud. Don’t be a victim of internet fraud or dating scams!
Get a free quote. Please, let us know, when and if our information was helpful to you! If happy, please spread the word! Thank You!